Commission Board Meeting on Mon, June 3, 2002 - 8:00 AM

Meeting Information


Chairman McElhaney called the meeting to order at 8:17 A.M. on Monday, June 3, 2002. All members were present.

Chairman McElhaney made a motion that the Board go into Executive Session until 9:20 A.M. with Evan Ice, County Counselor; Craig Weinaug, County Admin istrator; Pam Madl, Director of Administrative Services; Judge Fairchild, Chief Judge; and Linda K ster-Vogelsang, Court Administrator, to discuss building security issues. The Board returned to regular session at 9:20 A.M.

The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.

Johnson made a motion to approve the following Consent Agenda:

  • Approve Commissioners Order Nos. 5028 and 5029. Orders are on file in the office of the County Clerk;
  • Approve the FY 2003 Condition Violator Grant;
  • Approve Kansas Department of Transportation Project Certification documents for Project No. 23C3472-01; County Route 442; Stull Road;
  • Approve Cost Plus Net Fee Agreement for Engineering Services for Biennial Bridge Inspections for a total not-to-exceed cost of $47,936.84, which results in a local 20% cost share of $9,587.37, for Project No. 23C3850-01; and
  • Note receipt of Fee Reports for the month of April, 2002.

Motion was seconded by Jones and carried unanimously.

The Board discussed a request received from Alta-Sport to utilize Lone Star Lake for the 2002 LMH Triathlon on Sunday, September 15, 2002. Jim Whittaker, Race Director, and Michael F. Vickers, Executive Director, were present for the discussion. Alta-Sport requests that the beach and marina area be closed to swimmers and the general public from Saturday morning until noon Sunday on the weekend of the event. Sheriff Trapp discussed security issues noting that uniformed officers have been present in the past at no charge to the event. Sheriff Trapp noted that since the request includes closing the lake for a period of time it would be necessary to block off roads. He felt strongly that a uniformed officer be present, however, the issue of whether to charge events for these services, i.e., overtime, needs to be addressed. Jones asked whether utilizing lower cost staff would be an option. Keith Browning, Director of Public Works/County Engineer, stated that a private citizen d sn't have the right to close a road, so a county official would need to be present. He also stated that he would not be comfortable placing a Public Works employee in a law enforce ment capacity. It was the consensus of the Board that if the event is a for-profit event, they should reimburse the County for overtime costs. Jones then ex pressed concerns regarding the closing of the swimming area. Vickers noted that the event will be held in mid-September this year so there should be fewer swimmers than there would be in the summer months. Jones then made a motion that Alta-Sport, LC supply an event plan to the Sheriff who will decide what security and traffic control measures are needed; that Alta-Sport must reimburse the Sheriff's Department for the time actually spent by Sheriff's personnel on the event; that the road between the beach and the marina be closed all day Saturday, September 14th until the end of the event on Sunday, September 15th; and that the swimming beach be closed @ 3:00 on Saturday, September 14th, until the end of the event on Sunday, September 15th. Motion was seconded by Johnson and carried unanimously.

Jones moved approval of accounts payable in the amount of $286,996.33 to be paid 6/3/02; accounts payable manual checks in the amount of $2,230.50; payroll in the amount of $550,373.87; and electronic funds transfers in the amounts of $42,125.79 for FICA, and $32,824.82 for KPERS to be paid 5/31/02. Johnson seconded and the motion carried unanimously.

Sue Neustifter, Register of Deeds, announced her retirement effective July 1, 2002. Neustifter noted that she celebrated her 43rd anniversary with Douglas County on June 1, 2002.

At 11:02 A.M., McElhaney made a motion that the Board recess to go into Executive Session for 15 minutes with Evan Ice, County Counselor; Craig Weinaug, County Administrator; and Pam Madl, Director of Administrative Services, to discuss litigation. The Board returned to regular session at 11:18 A.M. No action was taken.

McElhaney made a motion for adjournment; Jones seconded, and the motion carried unanimously.

_____________________________ _____________________________
Jere McElhaney, Chairman Bob Johnson, Member


_____________________________ _____________________________
Patty Jaimes, County Clerk Charles Jones, Member


County Courthouse
1100 Massachusetts St, Lawrence, KS 66044, USA