Commission Board Meeting on Wed, May 29, 2002 - 6:35 PM

Meeting Information


Chairman McElhaney called the meeting to order at 6:35 P.M. on Wednesday, May 29, 2002. All members were present. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.

Jones made a motion to approve the Consent Agenda as follows:

  • Approve Commissioners Order Nos. 5025, 5026, and 5027. Orders are on file in the Office of the County Clerk.
  • Approve Resolution No. 02-12 granting a beer license to Megan Hiebert, d/b/a Clinton Marina Store;
  • Approve revised County Administrator Employment Agreement; and
  • Approve Construction Engineering Force Account Proposal for Project No. 23C-3472-01/Route 442 Construction Project in the amount of $98,986.33.

Motion was seconded by Johnson and carried unanimously.

Keith Browning, Director of Public Works/County Engineer, presented a request for authorization to solicit bids for microsurfacing Route 1061 from N 200 Road (US-56 Highway) to N 700 Road (Route 460), and authorization to solicit bids for overlaying Route 460 from N 600/E 1100 Road to US-59 Highway following the opening of bids and contracting for microsurfacing. Browning explained that the Public Works Department has inspected pavements on county routes to deter mine needed maintenance for this season. Browning recommended the utiliza tion of three different contracted maintenance practices this year -- (1) chip seal, (2) overlay, and (3) microsurfacing. Douglas County has a renewable contract with Hi Plains Sand Company to perform chip seals for 37.5 miles to 62.5 miles of roadway (50 miles +/- 25%). This year it is proposed to chip seal 40.8 miles of roadway. It is estimated that the cost of this year's chip seal contract will not exceed $407,574. Fund 201 has $500,000 allocated for chip seals.

It is proposed to overlay Route 460 from N 600/E 1100 Road to US-59 Highway with 2 inches of asphalt. This two-mile section of roadway exhibits structural problems that a chip seal will not correct. The estimated cost for a 2" overlay is approximately $128,300. It would be desirable to install a paving fabric beneath the overlay to retard reflective cracking and to act as a moisture barrier. Installing the paving fabric would add approximately $28,300 for an overall cost of approxi mately $156,600. Fund 201 has $148,000 allocated for overlays.

Route 1061 from US-56 Highway to Route 460 (N 700 Road) has some rutting in the wheel paths that chip sealing will not correct. It is proposed to utilize a modified slurry seal, or "microsurfacing," for this section of roadway. Micro- surfacing seals the cracks like a chip seal, but also provides some thickness to re-establish the original cross slope of the pavement. It is not as expensive as an overlay and d s not provide the structural enhancements of an overlay. The estimated cost to microsurface five miles of Route 1061 is approximately $114,000. It is proposed to utilize remaining budgeted funds to pay for micro- surfacing as follows:


Amount Budgeted

Const. Estimate


Chip Seal












Total Remaining


The estimated cost for chip seal will be very close to actual cost since we have a contract in place (there will be some variation due to quantity variations given field conditions at the time of the chip seal). It is anticipated chip seal will be done in mid-August. It is proposed to solicit bids for microsurfacing very soon, and perform the work in July. If bids are favorable and funds are available, it is desired to add the installation of paving fabric to the overlay contract. It is proposed to open bids for overlay work later this summer and construct the overlay in early September.

It is also proposed to have county forces perform a "scrub seal" on the one-mile long Route 5, assuming funds are available. A scrub seal consists of the applica tion of polymer modified asphalt. The asphalt is then "scrubbed" into the cracks and voids with a broom apparatus before a layer of small aggregate (sand) is applied to the surface. The aggregate and asphalt is then broomed again forcing the mix into cracks and voids to seal the surface. This is a relatively low cost operation that we want to evaluate for possible future use.

Johnson made a motion to authorize solicitation of bids for microsurfacing Route 1061 from N 200 Road (US-56 Highway) to N 700 Road (Route 460), and authorization to solicit bids for overlaying Route 460 from N 600/E 1100 Road to US-59 Highway following the opening of bids and contracting for microsurfacing

Jones moved approval of accounts payable in the amount of $157,760.41 to be paid 5/29/02; and accounts payable manual checks in the amount of $340.00. Johnson seconded and the motion carried unanimously.

McElhaney made a motion to reappoint Tom Jennings, 960 N 1050 Road, to the Lawrence-Douglas County Metropolitan Planning Commission for a three-year term expiring 5/31/05; and appoint Dennis Lawson, 757 E 2000 Road, Eudora, KS, to the Lawrence-Douglas County Metropolitan Planning Commission for a three-year term expiring 5/31/05. Johnson seconded, and the motion carried unanimously. It should be noted that Mr. Lawson replaces Jacob Plant whose term expires 5/31/02.

McElhaney made a motion for adjournment; Jones seconded and motion carried unanimously.

_____________________________ _____________________________
Jere McElhaney, Chairman Bob Johnson, Member


_____________________________ _____________________________
Patty Jaimes, County Clerk Charles Jones, Member


County Courthouse
1100 Massachusetts St, Lawrence, KS 66044, USA