Commission Board Meeting on Mon, May 20, 2002 - 9:00 AM

Meeting Information


Chairman McElhaney called the meeting to order at 9:04 A.M., on Monday, May 20, 2002. All members were present. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.


Johnson made a motion to approve the following Consent Agenda:

  • Accept bid received from Hutchinson Salt Company for 2,000 tons of Highway De-Icing Salt at the unit price of $24.00 per ton; and
  • Authorize the Chair to execute Contracts for Highway Purposes for Project No. 23C-3472-01 - County Route 442 between Douglas County and Paul N. Grosdidier and Sheila R. Grosdidier, husband and wife; Douglas County and John M. Solbach and M. Patricia Solbach, husband and wife; Douglas County and Jubal A. Taylor and Donna E. Taylor, husband and wife; Douglas County and Miriam E. Helmert, a single person, and Diane Helmert, a single person; Douglas County and Miriam E. Helmert, a single person; Douglas County and Thelma J. Chapman, a single person; Douglas County and Brink Land Company, L.C., a Kansas limited liability company; Douglas County and Po Lung Yu and Chao T. Yu, husband and wife; Douglas County and Stephen D. Markley and Elizabeth J. Markley, husband and wife; Douglas County and Leo J. Bidinger, a widower; Douglas County and Bernita B. Conner Revocable Trust dated July 9, 1998; Douglas County and Robert D. Cooper and Lea Ann Cooper, husband and wife; Douglas County and Carl Lee and Charlotte R. Patterson, husband and wife; Douglas County and John M. Solbach and Mary Patricia Kennedy Solbach, husband and wife; Douglas County and Christopher L. Wertin and Melanie J. Wertin, husband and wife; and Douglas County and Clara M. Christenson, a single person.

Motion was seconded by Jones and carried unanimously.


The Board discussed bids received for food products for the Jail Kitchen and Youth Services. Jackie Waggoner, Purchasing Agent, presented the item. Waggoner explained that the bid covered food and supplies in the following categories: produce, dairy, meats, breads, dry goods, frozen goods, and restaurant projects. The bidding process is established as a cost plus contract. Vendors were asked to provide their current supplier's cost for the week of April 4, 2002, a fixed percentage mark-up and our final cost (supplier's cost plus mark-up) on 535 items. The bids were evaluated identifying the lowest and best bid for each category and identifying the lowest and best bid for all 535 items. Waggoner recommended that the Board approve the contract with Allen Foods, Inc. for produce, meats, dry goods, frozen goods, and restaurant products, and Sara Lee Baking Company for bread products. Johnson questioned the cost plus bidding process. He noted that Allen Food's markup was 15% whereas Lady Baltimore's markup was 9%. Waggoner pointed out that Allen Food's costs were lower even with the 15% markup. Pam Madl, Director of Administrative Services, noted that Lady Baltimore did not submit an acceptable bid since they excluded several items with no alternatives. Johnson then raised questions regarding the auditing process. He asked how the County would know that Allen Food's costs would continue to be less than Lady Baltimore's. Johnson suggested that throughout the course of this next year, staff could attempt to find a firmer way to tie down the bids. Johnson then made a motion to accept the bid from Allen Foods, Inc. for produce, meats, dry goods, frozen goods, and restaurant products, and Sara Lee Baking Company for the bread category, and directed staff to research this possibility of piggy-backing the school system's contract and report back to the Commission in six (6) months. Jones seconded and the motion carried unanimously.


The Board then discussed their position on the Highway 59 alignment. Keith Browning, Director of Public Works/County Engineer, noted that the Kansas Department of Transportation is interested in an opinion from the Commission on whether a freeway or an expressway is preferred, and whether the eastern alignment (Alignment 3B), or the western alignment (Alignment 5) is preferred.

Jones made a motion that the Board submit a letter to the Kansas Department of Transportation endorsing a freeway on the western alignment (Alignment 5), noting that Douglas County looks forward to continued cooperation with KDOT on the issues of reducing the amount and speed of traffic on old Highway 59 once it becomes County property.

Johnson noted that Highway 59 would be the County's responsibility at that time. Jones responded that the County should continue to work with KDOT and that we work toward improving the safety and efficiency where the freeway would enter the City of Lawrence.

Johnson then seconded the motion stating that he believed the freeway was in the County's best interests and that the western alignment appears to be more doable more quickly than the eastern alignment.

McElhaney stated that he also supports the freeway but he prefers the eastern alignment for various reasons such as cost savings and time efficiency. McElhaney also noted that because the Commission has made a determination to help small businesses in the rural community try to relocate because of the

home-based occupations policy, he believes the western alignment would be too crowded to Highway 59 to serve that purpose.

Jones responded that he believed that the closer the new road is built to the old road, the more traffic will be displaced from the old road. Jones also expressed concerns about potential development along the old road stating that he'd prefer to put the new alignment as close as possible to the old road and then essentially break up or redesign the old road so that it d sn't serve the purpose as a thoroughfare.

McElhaney then called for a vote on the motion on the table. Jones and Johnson voted yea; McElhaney voted nay. Motion carried 2-1. The Board then directed staff to prepare a letter to KDOT stating the Board's position.


Johnson moved approval of payroll in the amount of $537,533.42 and electronic funds transfers in the amounts of $40,074.13 for FICA, and $32,082.44 for KPERS to be paid 5/17/02. Jones seconded and the motion carried unanimously.

McElhaney made a motion for adjournment. Johnson seconded and the motion carried unanimously.

_____________________________ _____________________________
Jere McElhaney, Chairman Bob Johnson, Member


_____________________________ _____________________________
Patty Jaimes, County Clerk Charles Jones, Member


County Courthouse
1100 Massachusetts St, Lawrence, KS 66044, USA