Frequently Asked Questions

appraiser | Frequently Asked Questions

The mill levy is the tax rate that is applied to the assessed value. In general terms, the mill levy is determined by dividing the dollars needed for local services by the assessed property value in the service area. An additional amount is then added for public schools. After the local government…

If personal property is not listed or if a rendition is untimely filed, the county appraiser is required by law to apply any applicable penalties. These penalties are set forth in K.S.A. 79-1422 and K.S.A. 79-1427(a) as follows: Date Rendition Filed Penalty Filed on March 16 through April 15 5%…

By law, all property in this state, real and personal, not expressly exempt therefrom, is subject to taxation.

K.S.A. 79-306 requires all taxable personal property to be listed, by the taxpayer, on a rendition (also referred to as a 'statement') and filed with the county appraiser on or before March 15th of each year, or the next following business day, if such date falls on a day other than a regular…

Notices of value are sent to the owner, as recorded in the Register of Deeds office, by March 1 for real property.

By law, every person, association, company or corporation required to list property must personally sign the rendition. In addition, if a tax rendition form preparer prepared the rendition, then the tax preparer must also sign and certify that the information presented therein is true and correct…

K.S.A. 79-303 states "Every person, association, company or corporation who owns or holds, subject to his or her control, any taxable personal property is required by law to list the property for assessment."If any person, association, company or corporation has in their possession or custody any…

Except for certain motor vehicles, property tax due on personal property is the responsibility of the owner of record January 1 of each year. For real property, if not addressed in private contract, the buyer is responsible for the property tax if the property is sold on or after January 1 and…

Your tax dollars are used by local government to provide funding for roads, parks, fire protection, police protection, health and other services. Property taxes also fund public school districts. All property tax dollars received by the state are redistributed to public school districts or to…

The value of your home may change each year -- it depends on market conditions, improvements to your property, etc. The county appraiser continually reviews and records sale prices and other information on homes all over the county.